Cookies, not nookies.

Valentine’s Day was fun. Not in that special, romantic, dim-the-lights-with-some-Marvin-Gaye kind of way, but in the what-do-we-do-now-that-we-have-a-kid kind of way. What made it even cooler is that it’s an anniversary of sorts – the day that Felix was conceived (maybe). Potentially. I mean, his original due date was November 9th, so subtract 40 weeks from that date and you come up with. . .February 14th.

Maybe it was those scallops last year. I tried again, with a home-style crab-bake this year, which lacked a little bit of the sultry romance of some perfectly cooked scallops but was still delicious in its own right. A little artichoke starter, some corn, three dipping sauces. . .yes, the perfect prelude to a night of feeding Mr. Felix and falling asleep at 9:15pm.

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I think he’s hungry dreaming of this crab:


But seriously, this kid just keeps bringing us love in bushels. Check it out, we were able to get him to sit up (okay, make him sit up, but still):


And the Mexican side is coming out a little bit:


All told, he’s developing insanely fast. Every day he’s more aware, and making strides observationally and capability-wise. We checked the BabyCenter checklist recently and the only thing he’s ‘not’ doing is reaching for objects. He can grab like a champion, his head control is great and he’s sleeping in about three hour increments. Also, he’s super verbal – which I love, and has the wife dreading the fact that he may be a perpetual talker like his dad. So we’re (mostly) happier at night and more aware during the day. Valentine’s Day, however, was just another day of love – just not that kind of love. I can say this: Felix will likely not be having a brother or sister on November 1st of this year.


flying solo